Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gossip me in blog? huh!

Dont ever believe your friends that are acted good in front of you and forgive you about anythings that you make wrongs...
they might gossiping you in THEIR BLOG what a quite good acting animals!
no friends do now! we are ENEMY why does she make me feel deeply frustrated...
i am exhausted to talk with her!
when i view her blog...
i cant stop reading the blog that she say me! one words i do not misss...
any words that coming from your best friends mouth can hurt you deeply it maykill you easily!
why does she hurt me?
hate YOU!
if she make me feel more irritating!
i think i shall post her name out!
s2p !
you are an animal you are not a human being now!
s2p animals...
low class things want to join with us, the highest class human, wait lar...
until you die also no ppl will bother about you !

0 what do you want to say?: